This is the Batman film we all deserve.
The Accountant (2016) follows the story of Christian Wolff (Ben Affleck), a small town certified public accountant with a form of high-functioning autism. In addition to being a CPA, his specialty is un-cooking books for numerous illegal organizations to weed out embezzlement and financial leaks. This, coupled with his extraordinary skills with weapons and combat thanks to being raised by a special forces father, makes him a powerful force indeed.
While working for a new client he meets an in-house accountant, Dana Cummings (Anna Kendrick), whom he develops a fondness for. The two find out more than they bargained for and go on a wild ride of survival filled with gunmen, corporate espionage, and the FBI.
The only flaw present in this movie is that it spreads the plot out too thinly. Not that the story is suffering mind you, but the whole film could have been even better if it leaned one way or another toward favoring a certain plot point of the film. Affleck's character says at one point in the picture that he narrowly focuses on one thing at a time until the job is completed. I wish this movie had more of that element in it.
One thing that is great about this film is it doesn't force the romantic subplot, and that is very refreshing. So often we have Hollywood shoving useless characters into stories to make the hero fall in love for someone and fight to save them. Now Affleck's character does come to care for Kendrick's character, but in a platonic and genuine way. We rarely see that in film nowadays. It suited his character for the film, and to force the romance would have been to compromise the reality of that character in the film. They did a great job in that aspect.
This film gave us all the action we expect in a film like this. The espionage was well done and had you trying to piece together things throughout the film. Some mysteries were more well crafted than others, but all in all it was an enjoyable ride.